Pet Peeves

Dear Microsoft, I have a simple request.

While messing around with X.509 certificates I not only encountered Umlauts, but Extended Validation Certificates as well. All nice and dandy, but these contain special OIDs in the subject field which openssl does not know the name.

Googling around I found a few references to their names, but no definitive source (especially for a short-name).

Anyway, the OIDs in question are under So who is responsible for that OID tree? First step IANA, where we find the OID registry, which tells us:

SMI Private Enterprise Codes: Prefix: ( See

which I do and where I find that enterprise-number 311 was assigned to Microsoft. They have a nice knowledge-base article which lists some Object IDs, but no information on the subtree ’60’.

So dear Redmond, what about an update to that page?



Back from the summer vacation, Clemens demanded that we build some tracks. I obliged and he is now really pushing a train along the tracks.



What’s wrong with Speermint and Drinks

Ken recently expressed doubts about the direction drinks is taking.

During a train ride last week I composed the following reply:

Pet Peeves

Scaremongering with graphs

Newspapers often enough publish graphs which give wrong impressions on what the numbers behind the diagram actually mean. The usual culprit is a y-axis which does not start with 0, thus visually inflating any trend/changes in the data.

This week I stumbled upon something else:

kleine zeitung diagram

The article was all about “Do we have to expect more extreme weather in the future thanks to global warming?”. The expert they interviewed kind of rejected the premise that we can deduce anything from one year’s weather. But they wanted to have a scary graph in the article, so they came up with this one.

So what’s wrong? If you compare the temperature and precipitation graphs of one year with the long-term averages, then it’s almost a given that the current year will look more extreme than the averages.

The comparison might make sense if you argue that 2009 is colder/warmer/wetter/dryer than the average year, but for comparing weather variance, this is completely worthless.



Elena, 2009/07

System Administration

Fun with RT Scrips

This might be of broader interest to users or RT:

I recently hacked up a small Scrip that tries to merge new tickets generated by mail bounces into the original ticket.

This is similar to what RtBounceHandler is doing, just that it’s implemented as a scrip and not as an external program which runs on incoming mail.

I’ve added my code to the RT wiki.

Internet Pet Peeves

Zeger reitet wieder

Um sein Geschäft mit X.509 Zertifikaten anzukurbeln, schreibt er eine Pressemeldung, die auch prompt von der Fuzo übernommen wird.

Es scheint um X.509 Zertifikate für SMTP/STARTTLS zu gehen, also die Verschlüsselung des Transportweges beim Mailversand.

Was ist da dran alles falsch?



The idea for this one was to build a spiral and then use the bridges to connect the ends together.

track 2009-07-21

Pet Peeves


I’m usually a quite peaceful guy, but whenever I need to interact with an A-trust product or their website, I get this urge to kick someone.


In this case I wanted to send an encrypted mail to an user of the Austrian Citizen Card. For that, I need the X.509 cert for that person.

The first obstacle was the non-graceful degradation of the a-trust website if you have disabled javascript (or, in my case, use NoScript in Firefox). Okay, once I cleared that hurdle, I got a list of 6 or 8 keys for my recipient. The list doesn’t show which keys are ECC and which are RSA, and trying to download them gave me:

a trust fail

for single certs and

a trust fail2

for chains.

Good work, folks.



Sometimes, I just make simple ones like this:

track 2009-07-18