CERT Pet Peeves

Adobe Madness

I finally bit he bullet and upgraded to Reader 10.x to get the security benefits of the sandbox.


  • Why this f*cking bloatware of the Download Manager as a Firefox plugin. WTF?
  • And why do these bastards try to sneak in McAfee software? I did not see the checkbox.

See also this thread in the Adobe forums.

Way to go, Adobe. Do you really think pissing of customers, especially security professionals is good company policy?


Dummheit bei der Telekom

Ametsreiter in der Fuzo:

Der Einsatz von “Deep Packet Inspection” (DPI), mit der der Netzverkehr durchleuchtet werden kann, sei eine Angelegenheit des Betreibers, wird Ametsreiter im “Wall Street Journal” weiter zitiert. Kaufe eine Fluglinie eine Boeing 777, schreibe ihr auch niemand vor, wen sie damit befördern dürfe.

Die Analogie ist super, darf ich die auch mal hernehmen?

Kauft ein Endkunde einen Internet-Zugang, dann schreibe ihm auch niemand vor, welche Applikationen er darüber nutzen dürfe.

Wie wär’s damit, Herr Ametsreiter?

Pet Peeves

Airport <-> City connections

I’ve been on two business trips over the last weeks and I noticed the following:

Barcelona: Express Bus service from the Airport to the city center every 5-10 minutes.

Stockholm: Arlanda Express every 15 minutes.

Vienna: CAT every 30 minutes.

I do see some potential for improvements here for Vienna.

System Administration

Offline plugin for DokuWiki

I’ve been trying to adapt the offline plugin to our needs. Here are my changes:



  • It clashes with how “datadir” is set in the example in the security page. That field must not contain a trailing ‘/’.
  • The plugin should remove the .zip file before adding files to it to avoid obsolete files accumulating there.

YouTube via IPv6

I don’t know whether my still-not-quite-native IPv6 at home is to blame, or whether Google has some capacity problems over v6, but watching youtube videos at home with v6 enabled offers a significantly worse user experience, than via v4.

Pet Peeves

Dear FedEx

Last year, we had troubles getting spares delivered via UPS.

This year I ordered a book from Blurb and FedEx was the carrier. This time, it was addressed to my flat in Vienna. The tracking info sounded all right, up to the first missed delivery. They were definitely trying as the delivery guy left a note on my mailbox.

I filled out the note (yes, delivery to any neighbor is ok) and put it back. Eight days later, it is still there, and the tracking page lists a number of tries:

We were at home. I never left my flat 24th – 26th. And the last two days we had sick kids at home.

Why can’t these companies be honest and admit that they failed to come?


Movie censorship requests

I’ve had the following two links open for the last few weeks. Instead of bookmarking them, I’ll just list them here:

Monty Python and the Holy Grail: Change Requests

The South Park Movie: Answer to MPAA’s Rating note

Pet Peeves

A simple idea for digital photo print shops

Folks, this one is so simple:

Whenever I have a batch of photos converted from jpeg to paper by any random online photo print service, they print some information on the back. Usually that includes the current date, perhaps the filename, order-ID, or some other information the shop needs to keep track of its print-jobs.

I have the following suggestion: Print the date from the EXIF header on the back. 20 years from now, I won’t care at all when the print was made, all I care will be when the photo was taken.

(Any additional information from the EXIF header would also be appreciated, but the date is the one thing that is simple and really needed.)

A few times I used the work-around of using “stamp 2.8” to encode the date into the filename and get it printed on the back of the photo, but that’s really a crude kludge.

Pet Peeves

iTunes dead file removal

This is more of a memo to myself than anything else:

The solution is here:

1) Make a static playlist called “All Live Files” and copy your entire library into it.
2) Make a smart playlist called “Missing Files” with the rules set as ” ‘Playlist’ ‘is’ ‘Music’ ” and another rule set as ” ‘Playlist’ ‘is not’ ‘All Live Files’ ”
3) Select all songs from “Missing Files”; they should all be flagged with a “!”, then use shift-DEL to remove them from your library

Worked with iTunes 10.1 under Windows just now.


The Facebook Map

An intern working for facebook created a beautilful map based on the relationship graph of facebook users.

So far, so widely blogged about.

One thing is remarkable: you can still see the border between the old west- and east part of Germany:


I wonder whether this is just the result of more people per square mile in the west, or if this one effect of still differing infrastructure or social structures.