
A classification of CTI Data feeds

(Crossposted on the blog.)

I was recently involved in discussions about the procurement of Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) feeds. This lead to discussions on the nature of CTI and what to do with it. Here is how I see this topic.

One way to structure and classify CTI feeds is to look at the abstraction level at which they operate. As Wikipedia puts it: 

  • Tactical: Typically used to help identify threat actors (TAs). Indicators of compromise (such as IP addresses, Internet domains or hashes) are used and the analysis of tactics, techniques and procedures (TTP) used by cybercriminals is beginning to be deepened. Insights generated at the tactical level will help security teams predict upcoming attacks and identify them at the earliest possible stages.
  • Operational: This is the most technical level of threat intelligence. It shares hard and specific details about attacks, motivation, threat actor capabilities, and individual campaigns. Insights provided by threat intelligence experts at this level include the nature, intent, and timing of emerging threats. This type of information is more difficult to obtain and is most often collected through deep, obscure web forums that internal teams cannot access. Security and attack response teams are the ones that use this type of operational intelligence.
  • Strategic: Usually tailored to non-technical audiences, intelligence on general risks associated with cyberthreats. The goal is to deliver, in the form of white papers and reports, a detailed analysis of current and projected future risks to the business, as well as the potential consequences of threats to help leaders prioritize their responses.

With tactical CTI, there a reasonable chance that it can shared on a machine-to-machine basis with full semantic information that makes it possible to automate the processing for detection and prevention purposes. Many commercial security devices are sold with a subscription to the vendor’s own data-feeds. This ranges from simple anti-spam solutions, over filters for web proxies to rules for SIEMs.

While it is possible to encode operational CTI in standardized data exchange formats like STIX2, it is much harder for automated systems to operationalize this information. For example, what automated technical reaction is possible to “threat actor X is now using compromised CPEs in the country of its targets for C2 communication”? Yes, one can store that kind of information in OpenCTI (or a similar Threat Intelligence Platform (TIP)) and map it to the ATT@CK framework. That can be valuable for the human expert to plan defenses or to react better during incidents, but it is not detailed enough automated defense.

With strategic CTI, we are on the human management layer. This is never designed for automated processing by machines.

Types of IOCs

Focusing on the technical layer, we find that there are a number of different types of information encoded in the data feeds. One way to look at this is the Diamond Model of intrusion analysis which is built around information on adversary, capability, infrastructure, and victim. While this is a very valuable model for intrusion analysis, it is too complex for a simple categorization of CTI feeds.

I propose the following three basic types:

Type 1: Attack Surface Information

Many of the feeds from Shadowserver fall in this category. Shodan data can also be a good example. There is now a bunch of companies focusing on “cyber risk rating”, which all try to evaluate the internet-visible infrastructure of organizations.


  • “On IP-address A.B.C.D, at time X, we detected a Microsoft Exchange server running a version that is vulnerable to CVE-202X-XXXX”.
  • “The time-server at IP addres Y can be abused as ddos-reflector.”
  • “On IP address Z, there is an unprotected MongoDB reachable from the Internet.”

Notable points are:

  • This is very specific information about a concrete system. Usually, it is very clear who is responsible for it.
  • There is no information about an actual compromise of the listed system. The system might be untouched or there may already be a number of webshells deployed on it.
  • There is no information about an attacker.
  • This is sensitive (potentially even GDPR-relevant) information.
  • This information is (almost) useless to anybody but the owners of the system.
  • Thus, the coordinating CSIRT should pass this information on to the maintainers of this system and to nobody else. is usually tagging these events with “vulnerable / vulnerable system” or “vulnerable / potentially unwanted accessible service”.

Expected response from system owner: 

  • Mitigate the threat by patching / upgrading / removing the system or maybe even accept the risk (e.g. “yes, we really want to run telnet enable on that server”).
  • Verify that the system has not been breached yet.

Type 2: Threat Actor IOCs

This is the opposite: the information is solely about the threat actor and the resources this group is using, but there is no clear information on the targets. Typical information contained in these IOCs is:

  • The domain-name of a command & control (C2) server of the TA
  • An IP address of a C2 server
  • Filename and/or hash of malware used by the TA
  • Email subject, sender and sending IP address of a phishing mail
  • Mutex names, registry-keys or similar artefacts of an infection
  • URL-pattern of C2 connections


  • A RAT Remcos campaign was detected 2023-06-14 to use
    • Mutex: Rmc-MQTCB0URI: /
    • Email-attachment: Shipment_order83736383_document_file9387339.7z
    • MD5: 2832aa7272b0e578cd4eda5b9a1f1b12
    • Filename: Shipment_order837363.exe

Notable points are:

  • This is detailed information about a threat actor infrastructure, tools and procedures.
  • There is often no information about targets of these attacks. Sometimes, some targeting information is known, like “This TA usually attacks high-tech companies”.
  • This information is potentially useful for everybody who that actor might target.
  • Unless one thinks that attacker IP-addresses deserve GDPR-protection, this data has no privacy implication.
  • Thus, the coordinating CSIRT should pass this information on to all constituents who are capable of operationalizing such CTI. is usually not sending this kind of information pro-actively to all constituents, instead we operate a MISP instance which holds these IOCs. Security automation on the side of the constituent is welcome to use the MISP APIs to fetch and process the IOCs.
  • If the targeting of the TA is sufficiently well known and specific, will pass on the IOCs directly to the constituent’s security team.
  • In rare cases, the TA is abusing infrastructure of one of our constituents. In that case, we have a mix with the next type of CTI.

Expected response from system owner:

  • Add the IOCs to any sort of incident prevention system, e.g., filter lists in proxies, EDR or AV software.
  • Add the IOCs to the incident detection system, e.g., create suitable rules in SIEMs.
  • Ideally, also perform a search in old logs for the newly acquired IOCs.

Type 3: Infection data

Sometimes we receive cyber threat information that is very specific and concerns a live incident inside a constituent’s network.

Examples are:

  • “We detected at timestamp X a webshell placed on a Citrix server. IP-address = A.B.C.D, path = /logon/LogonPoint/uiareas/mac/vkb.php”
  • “Our darknet monitoring detected that someone is selling VPN credentials for on the platform X”
  • “After a takedown of botnet X we are monitoring botnet drone connections to the former C2 servers. On [timestamp], the IP address A.B.C.D connected to our sinkhole.”
  • “We managed to get access to the infrastructure of threat actor X. According to the data we found there, your constituent Y is compromised.”
  • “Please find below information on IPs geolocated in your country which are most likely hosting a system infected by SystemBC malware. […] Timestamp, IP-address, hostname, c2 ip-address”
  • “There are signs of malicious manipulations on the Website of domain X, there is a phishing page at /images/ino/95788910935578/login.php”

Notable points are:

  • This is usually very specific information about a live incident involving a concrete system.
  • In the best case, the information is good enough to trigger a successful investigation and remediation.
  • The threat actor is often, but not always, named.
  • This is sensitive (potentially even GDPR-relevant) information.
  • This information is (almost) useless to anybody but the owners of the system.
  • This information can be very time-sensitive: a quick reaction can sometimes prevent a ransomware incident.
  • Thus, the coordinating CSIRT should pass this information quickly on to the maintainers of this system and to nobody else. is usually tagging these events with “intrusions / system-compromise” or “fraud / phishing”

Expected response from system owner:

  • Start the local incident response process.
  • Clean up the known infection and investigate the possibility of additional compromises in the affected network (lateral movement?).

Tooling is using IntelMQ to process feeds of type 1 and 3. CTI feeds of type 2 are handled by our MISP installation.