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Otmar's Ultima 5 map

I wrote the C programs using an *ancient* TurboC, so you might have to tweak the files a bit to compile. map.c, map24.c and convbrit.c should be clean C, though.

This is my original README file:

Hi all, here are my tools to Ultima 5:

The Britannia-Map-file (brit.dat) is compressed (Some all-ocean parts 
are left out.), so you first have to convert it to the full 64Kb file
mybrit.dat by running the convbrit program. (Or just copy under.dat to
mybrit.dat if you want a map of the underworld.) I hope convbrit is 
okay, but I'm not sure if I got the location of all the small islands

1> Map-printer : This prints out the Map of Britannia or the of the
                 Underworld ! Just enter the koordinates ( x,y (0-15))
                 of the window you want to get.
                 The Program is written for Epson-compatible 9-needler,
                 and uses the *\005 bitimage mode.
                 ( There can be troubles with Star-printers, but WHY don't
		 they implement the only mode which gives square pixels ?)
		 Each tile is printed as a 4x4 bitmap. I did not bother
		 to assign all possible tiles a bitmap, but it should
		 be quite easy to add them to the code.

2> Map-Printer for 24-needlers:
		When I got my hands on a Star LC24 I adapted the map.c
		to print maps in high-resolution.

3> Map-viewer :  This program (scr.exe) displays the maps of Britannia
                 and the Underworld on the Screen. I wrote it with
                 Turbo-C 2.0 using an EGA-Card. I should be easy to adapt
                 it to other cards.

	ENJOY !!!

(c) Otmar Lendl	(lendl@cosy.sbg.ac.at)

Postscript: Use and redistribution of these programs is free. If you make 
	enhancements (i.e. bitmaps, or other Printer-support), please
	send me a copy.

[TXT] convbrit.c             17-May-93 10:24     1K  
[TXT] convbrit.exe           17-May-93 10:02    12K  
[TXT] map.c                  17-May-93 10:28     5K  
[TXT] map.exe                17-May-93 10:02    18K  
[TXT] map24.c                17-May-93 10:30     6K  
[TXT] map24.exe              17-May-93 10:02    18K  
[   ] readme.txt             17-May-93 10:45     1K  
[TXT] scr.c                  17-May-93 10:31     2K  
Share and enjoy !

< Ultima 4 | Ultima 5 | Ultima 6 >

Otmar Lendl (lendl@cosy.sbg.ac.at)
Last update: 2006/12/30