Anyway, when I started to play
Ultima V on a PC some years later, I
took out my C compiler and started digging into the files again.
The layout had changed a bit, some chunks of sea were left out
(space reasons, I guess. 360KB floppies aren't that big...:-)
but it didn't take long before I had a nice map on my printer again.
I never really finished Ultima VI since I didn't run that well on the computers I had access to at that time, but one summer I borrowed my brothers PC + printer to delve into it. The result was a 24-needle picture of the U5 map, but no map of U6, let alone a solved game.
It was some years later when somebody gave me hint about the map-layout of Ultima 6, that I started to look into U6 again. This time I used perl to generate PPM files, but I never really finished them, so I can offer only unpolished and undocumented picturs..
A nice soul sent my the map file from the PC version of U4, making a port of my printer program to the PC possible. Additionally, I made a picture in GIF format.
< Ultima 4 | Ultima 5 | Ultima 6 >