Old Signature files:

(Still under Construction)

Remote Sigs.

|Otmar Lendl (lendl@cosy.sbg.ac.at) | Student of CS & Math at Salzburg |
|Akademiestr. 15  A-5020 Salzburg   | University (Austria / Europe)    |
| Put the scrabble away Arthur, it won't save the human race !  Ford P.|
| Otmar Lendl (lendl@cosy.sbg.ac.at) | University of Salzburg / Austria  |
| In these enlightened days of course, no one believes a word of it. -DA |
| Otmar Lendl (lendl@cosy.sbg.ac.at) | Studienassistent at Salzburg |
| Akademiestr. 15  A-5020 Salzburg   | University (Austria / Europe)| 
| Ecce homo, ergo elk. --Monty Python|   Dep. for Computer Studies  |
| Otmar Lendl (lendl@cosy.sbg.ac.at) | University of Salzburg / Austria  |
| Lemmon Curry ?!? Semprini ?!?  Let's improb outa here, Zappo !  -- me  |
| Otmar Lendl (lendl@cosy.sbg.ac.at) | University of Salzburg / Austria |
|  This message was generated using GPP technology.  Share and Enjoy !  |
| Otmar Lendl (lendl@cosy.sbg.ac.at) | University of Salzburg / Austria  |
| I'm thinking of having my whole body surgically removed.  --Lintilla   |
| Otmar Lendl (lendl@cosy.sbg.ac.at)  |  University of Salzburg  /  Austria  |
| http://www.cosy.sbg.ac.at/people/lendl.html | Don't point the finger at me |
| I am only a rat in a maze like you. And only the dead go free. - R. Waters |

Sigs for local use.

| Otmar Lendl (lendl@cosy.sbg.ac.at) | University of Salzburg / Austria  |
| Base-OGG ?  YEAH !! OGG !!  DOSH !!  Welcome aboard, Fleet Captain.    |
| Otmar Lendl (lendl@cosy.sbg.ac.at) | University of Salzburg / Austria  |
|    Ceterum Censeo, Physicam esse delendam.   -- StRV CoWi (die Aeltere)|
| Otmar Lendl (lendl@cosy.sbg.ac.at) |  Stud. Ass.  +  Netrek-Server GOD |
| E-Mail-Anfragen an mich sind einer 42 OeS Stempelmarke zu vergebuehren.|

Sigs not yet used.

|Otmar Lendl (lendl@cosy.sbg.ac.at)  |  Student of CS & Math at Salzburg  |
|Akademiestr. 15  A-5020 Salzburg    |  University (Austria / Europe)     |
|We thought that we had the answers; it was the questions we had lost. -U2|
Last update: 7.10.93